Catholic Daughters of the Americas
Details coming.
Guadalupana Society
Guadalupana Society Mission Statement: To promote the spiritual well-being of both men and women, of all nationalities and cultures, devoted to Our Lady of Guadalupe. This wonderful ministry organizes our parish's annual December 12th celebration of the first appearance of Our Lady of Guadalupe to Juan Diego.
Knights of Columbus
The Knights of Columbus is the largest Catholic fraternal benefit society. Founded in 1882 by Father Michael J. McGivney, the Knights provide financial aid to their members and their families. Today, the Order is still true to its founding principles of charity, unity, and fraternity. The St. Ignatius of Antioch Council 12587 was established in November 1999. Since being organized and continuing until today, our Knights remain an active and vital member of our Catholic Christian community here at St. Ignatius of Antioch.
Click here to visit the St. Ignatius of Antioch Council 12587 Facebook page.
Antioch Y.L.I. #101
The values of YLI are charity and love. Our organization strengthens our Catholic tradition and culture through shared spirituality, cherished friendship, and service to our Church and community. Every woman deserves to experience the sisterly love that YLI can bring to her life, all under the guidance of our Patron our Blessed Mother Mary.